We can spend days, sometimes weeks, writing code that makes no apparent change to the appearance of our half-finished Airport Madness Pro. Then, once the focus moves to the visual aspects of the game, things come to life.

Enjoy these screenshots of what’s in store for everyone in June 2019. What these images don’t show is the exciting new control functionality that Airport Madness Pro will offer. You can assign any runway to a departure. An arrival runway (or runways) can be pre-selected. Aircraft can be given very specific taxi routes (e.g. “Taxi via Echo, Charlie, Foxtrot, hold short runway 08 left…”). We’ll get screenshots of the new control panel to you in a few weeks.

Airport Madness Pro will contain many details that Airport Madness 3D does not, including a thorough performance report after each ATC session.

Voices will be much better in AMPro than earlier versions in the 9-game Airport Madness series. There will be six unique voices, offering more clarity and realism.

We’re still aiming for June 1, 2019 as a release date. We are trying hard to stick to this! However, quality must come before punctuality, and if we find ourselves scrambling in late May, we’ll get things right before launch.